Black-eyed Susans, also known as ‘Rudbeckia hirta’, are a beautiful, easy-to-care-for flower. Beloved for their vibrant yellow and orange blooms, these hardy perennials are native to North America and require little water or maintenance. But did you know that these pretty blooms can be enhanced with companion plants? That’s right, Black-eyed Susans look even better when surrounded by certain other species of flowers.
What is a Black Eyed Susan
Black-Eyed Susan is a sunny, cheerful annual flower that is easy to grow and adds a splash of bright yellow or orange color to a garden. The flower’s scientific name is Rudbeckia hirta and it is native to North America.
It is also known as Gloriosa Daisy and is a popular choice for wildflower gardens. Black-Eyed Susan has daisy-like flowers with yellow or orange-brown centers, and it is a great companion plant for other warm-season flowers such as coneflowers, coreopsis, and zinnias.
The flowers are great for attracting butterflies and beneficial insects. They are also drought-tolerant and will thrive in full sun or light shade. Black-Eyed Susan is a great addition to any garden and will bring cheer to any outdoor space.
What are Companion Plants
Companion plants, also known as “buddy plants” or “interplanting,” are plants that are grown near each other to provide mutual benefits. Black Eyed Susan is a popular companion plant.
This bright, cheerful plant makes an attractive addition to any garden and has a wide range of companion plants that can help it thrive. Companion plants can help Black Eyed Susan by improving the soil, providing pest control, and increasing yields.
For example, planting tall companion plants such as sunflowers, corn, or tomatoes near Black Eyed Susan can help it receive more sunlight while planting legumes such as beans and peas can help reduce soil compaction and add nitrogen to the soil.
Planting marigolds, garlic, or chrysanthemums near Black Eyed Susan can help ward off pests while planting basil, parsley, or chamomile can help enhance the flavor of the flowers.
By choosing the right companion plants, you can get the most out of your Black-Eyed Susan and create a beautiful and productive garden.
Benefits of Growing Black-Eyed Susan with Companion Plants
Black-Eyed Susan is a beautiful and easy-to-grow flower that adds a splash of color to any garden. Growing these vibrant blooms alongside companion plants can offer additional benefits for the garden.
When grown together, companion plants can help to protect Black-Eyed Susans from pests and diseases, as well as provide additional nutrients to the soil. Furthermore, companion plants can provide a safe haven for beneficial insects, such as bees and butterflies, which can help pollinate the flowers and boost their overall health.
Growing Black-Eyed Susans with companion plants can help to create a more balanced and diverse garden ecosystem. Additionally, such companion plants can create a colorful backdrop that enhances the beauty of the Black-Eyed Susans.
Types of Companion Plants for the Black-Eyed Susan
One of the most popular companion plants for the Black-Eyed Susan is the Lamb’s Ears (Stachys byzantine). Growing in a mound of silvery-green foliage, this spreading perennial is a great companion for the Black-Eyed Susan, as it provides the perfect contrast in texture and color.
Lamb’s Ears will also help to keep the Black-Eyed Susan in check, as it grows more slowly and fills in the space around the faster-growing Black-Eyed Susan. Another type of companion plant for the Black-Eyed Susan is the perennial Coreopsis, which provides a complimentary bright yellow flower to the Black-Eyed Susan.
Coreopsis is easy to grow and can help to fill in any bare spots in the garden. The Coreopsis will also attract bees and butterflies, which are beneficial for the garden. Lastly, a type of companion plant for the Black-Eyed Susan is the annual Verbena bonariensis.
This tall, slender annual provides a showy display of purple blooms and can reach heights of up to five feet. The Verbena bonariensis will provide a backdrop to the Black-Eyed Susan, and it will also attract beneficial insects.
Popular Companion Plant Options
Black Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) is a popular flower that loves to bask in the sun and thrive in most gardens. Its bright, daisy-like blooms will bring a cheerful splash of color to your landscape.
But, did you know that it’s best to pair Black Eyed Susans with companion plants? Companion plants are plants that grow well together and benefit each other. They can help Black Eyed Susans to perform better in the garden and help them to thrive.
Some popular companion plant options for Black-Eyed Susans include coreopsis, daisies, and asters. Coreopsis is a low-growing variety of flowers that will look beautiful planted around Black-Eyed Susans.
Daisies provide a bright, white bloom that will contrast nicely with the yellow of the Susans, and asters are a tall option that will add height and texture to the garden. All three of these companion plants will bring a unique and vibrant look to the garden and will help Black Eyed Susans to thrive!
Tips for Planting Black-Eyed Susans with Companions
When it comes to planting Black-Eyed Susans with companion plants, there are a few tips to keep in mind for success. First, it’s important to find the right mix of plants that will complement each other and bring out the best in the Black-Eyed Susans.
Consider the overall color palette of the garden, the bloom times of each plant, and the height of the plants to create an aesthetically pleasing combination. It is also important to consider texture, foliage, and the placement of the plants in relation to each other.
When selecting companion plants for Black-Eyed Susans, consider varieties that will provide support and structure for the tall stems of the Black-Eyed Susans, such as ornamental grasses or short-growing shrubs.
Perennials like coneflowers, rudbeckia, and daisies will also provide a colorful backdrop for the Black-Eyed Susans. For a fragrant garden, plant herbs or other fragrant flowers like lavender near the Black-Eyed Susans.
When planting, group the companion plants in clusters around the Black-Eyed Susans for an attractive arrangement. If planting in a border, place the Black-Eyed Susans in the back and the shorter companion plants in front.
Lastly, be sure to provide the plants with the right level of sun and water to ensure the best performance. With these tips in mind, it’s easy to create a beautiful and inviting garden that features Black-Eyed Susans and their delightful companion plants.
Black Eyed Susan companion plants are an excellent way to add color, texture, and interest to your garden. They are easy to care for and can provide a great deal of pleasure for the gardener. Whether you choose to plant the Black Eyed Susan in a container, a border, or even in a mass planting, they will add a unique and beautiful look to your garden. They will also attract butterflies and other beneficial insects, which can be a great addition to your garden. With their bright and cheerful blooms, they will brighten up your garden and will make your yard look great!